A Love Letter to San Francisco

by - February 13, 2018

Dear The City of San Francisco

I know we've only met once, and it was six months ago now, but I've been thinking about you a lot lately...

It's been frigid here in Cardiff recently - honestly, I went to the doctor for a blood test yesterday and I swear it took me about ten minutes to get all of my layers off before the poor phlebotomist could get to my skin - and in between chucking more wood on the log burner and battling the dog for the blanket I've been thinking back to our time together last autumn, when you were having a heatwave and I was having the time of my life

*cue flashback music and wibbly screen*

I'm sure you get this all the time, but you were one of the most colourful cities I've ever been to. I mean, I know that was probably partly because of the ridiculously nice weather you were having when we visited, but still -

In the Mission


Near City Hall


In the Mission again

COLOUR!! (Or, as you would probably say, color)

You are also incredibly green - and that's coming from someone who lives in Cardiff, where you can barely move for lush green parks every which way

Outside the Academy of Sciences

The Panhandle

The back garden of our Airbnb (!!!)

Never mind your jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, mouth-droolingly b e a u t i f u l houses

I literally took pictures of almost every house I saw so I have no idea where these are from

Oh, and the shops... ohhh, the shops. SF, if I ever win the lottery I'm coming straight for you with twelve empty suitcases and not leaving until I've bought every piece of minimalist handmade jewellery, magical skin and health potion, amazing vintage clothing and... well,

Vintage shop on Haight-Ashbury

Cowboy boots that A talked me out of buying ("When will you wear them?" "I don't know!" "Do you have $200?" "No" "So...?" "So... should I try on the red ones first?")

More vintage shopping on Haight-Ashbury

In Union Square

Pirate shop/literacy charity in the Mission

Tat shops on Pier 39
The bookshop of my dreams 😍😍😍

Back in Haight-Ashbury
A magical potion shop in the Mission
...Well, skulls. Skulls, San Francisco. You've got a lot of them.

The window display of my favourite shop on Haight-Ashbury - you couldn't take photos inside but if I'd had $2000 I would have forgone the cowboy boots for the life-size Victorian paper-mâché skeleton (in coffin, obvs) - it would have really brought the living room together

At the Academy of Sciences

A shop in the Mission
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the use of skulls in decorating, although I prefer mine a little bit less... authentic, shall we say? I just have a lot of questions.

Maybe we can sit down and discuss them over an ice cream?

Maybe in a cookie sandwich, from The Baked Bear?

Or maybe a liquid nitrogen-made treat from Smitten?
I won't tell Science Cream if you don't...
Perhaps a Mexican hot chocolate donut from Mr. Holmes Bakehouse?

The excellence of the pastries made up for the fact that the iconic neon sign wasn't lit up when we visited... which seems to be a perfectly valid reason to go again, no?
Or if you're in the mood for something a bit more savoury, SF, perhaps we could grab the best burrito I've ever had, ever, in my life?

From La Taqueria
Then again, since I'm trying to woo you we could go somewhere a bit fancier... perhaps a place that makes great food with local ingredients, has a different menu every day, and has the best name ever?

Frances (obviously)
I mean, you obviously like me a little bit, mate, or you wouldn't be quite so obsessed with me...

Anyway - even if you're going to keep trying to play it cool, your people are definitely pretty emotive, and I'm into that

Pussy Power outside Dog Eared Books

Yarn bombing near City Hall
The point is, San Francisco, I think I might love you. And I will be right back just as soon as my boyfriend wins another pair of business class return tickets to you - I mean, you don't expect me to travel any other way now, do you?

Hi United Airlines I promise if you let me back in fancy class I won't knock a glass of champagne over myself again!
I hope to see you again soon, SF!



Please excuse my hair, it was windy. That doesn't really explain what's going on at the back, I know, but let's just pretend eh?
. . .

Hi friends! I hope you've enjoyed this little bit of tongue-in-cheek #travel bloggery - obviously, it's only a teensy tiny portion of our time in San Francisco last year (I can't believe I haven't even included any pictures from Alcatraz, honestly!) - but if you want to see more I shared a whole bunch on Instagram while we were there under the hashtag  #fralexdosanfran so you can see them there!

Whatever and however and whyever and with whoever you're with I hope that you have a truly lovely February 14th - though let's be honest, we all know that it's really all about Feb 13 this year. Pancake Day over Valentines Day any day. 


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